Steamy 24
Steamy 24 is a sudsless emulsion of grease attacking solvents and deep cleaning synthetic detergents formulated especially for steam cleaning/extraction of modern carpeting. Removes the heaviest of soil and restores the color and the beauty of carpeting on which it is used.
Steamy 24 is available in: Gallons
Surfactant/Solvent Emulsion - Contains special sovents + surfactants that penetrate greasy oily spots and soil allowing for easy removal.
Sticky Residue - Unlike typical competitive brands Steamy 24 is free rinsing and will not leave a sticky residue that causes some carpeting to re-soil quickly after cleaning.
Low Foam - It’s low foam breaks quickly to become no foam on the carpet and in the solution recovery tank for quick cleaning - no unnecessary trips to dump buckets of suds.
Nominally Neutral pH - It’s pH of 10.5 is close to Ivory bar soap and thus Steamy 24 is safe for cleaning the delicate of fibers.
An industrial/institutional grade formula for use with all models of carpet “steam cleaning” and extraction carpet cleaning machines. Recommended for use on all colorfast rugs and carpets not affected by water alone.